Monday 25 March 2013

先生 请问你是谁 ?

请你 不要干涉我的生活 骚扰我身边的人

可以吗 ?




 难道我有了男朋友你就把他杀了 ?

要理 也要看清自己的身份

不要等我摊牌了 你才说我 lc

你的礼物 我无福消受

手表 送你姐吧 

我不喜欢戴 留着也是浪费社会资源

sticky 不用买了

我已经有了 吃不完了 不需要浪费钱

在我的世界 请你安排理出牌



忍你那么久 纯粹因为 Pn. Tan 


last ,


还很维护你 叫我不要骂你

但是 再忍下去 你也不会发觉你的问题


得罪到 对不起 但请合作 谢谢 :)
聊 得 亲 密
不 代 表 什 么

信 息 聊 电 话
更 不 铁 定 是 追 求

如 果 是 那 样

酱 我 不 是 谁 都 追 了 ?

Ahaha . LOL

怎么感觉在说我 ? :3

对你有好感真是我傻了 -_-

我说 我放了

全部都好像很庆幸 (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) 

难道真的不值得 ?

难道我直觉失灵了 ?

还是我太笨了 ? <(_ _)>

败在甜言蜜语啊 :3

快点找人来转换注意力 !! ε-(´・`)

哪找啊 -_-

要有早就有了 ╮(╯_╰)╭

双鱼座卡通代表人物:蜡笔小新 《蜡笔小新》

嗯呐 哈哈 :P 

Sunday 17 March 2013

我又想你了 ..

心不动 则不痛

我动了 也痛了 

如果这个是你的目的 那你成功了 :)

你可不可以不要再敷衍我 ?

可不可以主动找我 ?

可不可以真心回答我的问题 ?

可不可以不要不回复我 ?

可不可以 ..

把以前讲过的话 讲多一次 ?

我 决定

放下了 :)

保持距离 朋友的距离


我不找你 不撩你 不烦你了 ..

你要偶尔想起我噢 :)

我那么可爱 你要忘也很难吧 ? 哈哈

We are never ever ever

getting back together . :)

Monday 11 March 2013

我就知道 :3

我脾气 我知道 :3

但是 来得快 去得快 ╮(╯_╰)╭

不要在我气消了 主动跟你讲话 你却摆臭脸给我 →_→

我心情 我知道 :3

我曾经那么在乎你 你却不以为然 ╮(╯_╰)╭

现在我放下了 你才来撩我 你想怎样 ? <(_ _)>

我朴实 我知道 :3

选男朋友 样是会看 但是感觉更重要 ε-(´・`)

如果我对你没感觉 你长到再帅 也无法让我春心动荡 (ˉ(∞)ˉ)

我欠打 我知道 :3

明明有六七个 like 自己手多多去换

结果没完了 好可怜 T_T

你们 得空就去按完它啦 XD

其实 blogger 看不到谁按过 只是我看到多多很爽 (´∀`*)

麦 paiseh 嘛 (っ´▽`)っ

Friday 8 March 2013

EMO :(

Before , you would call me up at least once a day

now I think it's maximum for once a week .

You ever asked me about somethings of affection ,

actually I knew what was you asking about

but I's confusing of the answer

I didn't knew how to described it .

Now , I can tell you , I won't !

although I told , it's already useless ,

because you might not know about my mind .

Maybe you're just asking for fun

but I'm totally serious about that .

Maybe it's getting exam

you don't want to bother me

but this is makes me feel more irritable and disappointed .

But this is just maybe

maybe you're never looking for me

maybe those was just my imagination , what I wanna be .

Hey , you !

Thanks for your consolation .

I already become better about that .

And you , always appear when I'm feel boring , sad ..

maybe you don't know everythings

maybe you just feel boring then chat with me

but I'm still Thank you !

And one more small case making me unhappy

that's I lost 0.1 kg again !!

what the ..

except this few day I lost my appetite

I's eating all the time , how come I become light ?

Tonight , I eat a lot of rice with bad mood

And the another problem is my attitude

The birthday card ..

I think most of the girls knew about the details .

I think for a long and long moment ..

I'm still don't know what's the problem

maybe the problem isn't my attitude , but I'm that the problem you're meaning of

Someone , I didn't knew why are you think it's funny

maybe that's your thinking too . :)

But , I never be mad .

Thanks for your reaction and comment , I accepted .

Open-heartedness is other way to keep on our friendship .

Sorry for I'm making you all to be angry and hate of me ,

I'll be better than before if I able to .

Sorry .

Maybe ..

EMO for a whole day ,

especially after I receive the present . :(

Don't think too much ,

cheer up . :)

Wednesday 6 March 2013

scary o(>﹏<)o

一早去到 老人家讲有人找我 (⊙v⊙)

问她是谁 她跟我讲 傻婆 ==

全校都嘛可以叫 傻婆 o(╯□╰)o

一个女的给我 Sticky ε-(´・`)

想都知道是 Samuel 给的啦 :3

Birthday and Christmas present 

Oh Yeah (*¯︶¯*)

回班不是分给她们咯 (¯﹃¯)


上课到放学一直讲要 watt Samuel 买一罐 ==

明明分了很多 可是好像还有很多 ( ̄ε(# ̄)

数学节 恐怖的事情发生了 →_→

我的 lens 跑进去了 Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

好彩过后找到了 挤回出来 /.\

痛到我叫了半天 T^T

手又没有洗 可是很痛 (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) 

不管它感不感染了 拿出来再讲 <(_ _)>

全部很像没有看过酱 一直问 一直问 ==

燕菱有够力好笑 (ˉ(∞)ˉ)

我没有带 盒子 药水 嘛

就只可以丢掉它咯 :3

她叫我拿 tissue 包着 回家洗哇 /.\

放学又要留噢 <(`^´)>

看东西一下蒙 一下清 有够辛苦 :|

还是眼镜好 够舒服 ╭(╯3╰)╮


but I'll still wearing . :P